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Getting Started

Houp (hook up) is a simple, fast, and reliable solution for sharing a hook's state across multiple components. Whether you're working on a new project or an existing one, integrating Houp is straightforward. It doesn't matter how the hook is created or managed — Houp focuses solely on sharing it.


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Create your hook

Any React hook can be used as a store and shared across components.

import { useState } from "react";

export default function useProduct() {
const [price, setPrice] = useState(5);
const [count, setCount] = useState(100);

const updatePrice = async () => {
// await fetch(...)
setPrice(n => n + 1);

return {

Create a Provider

createProvider creates a StoreProvider component that provides the store to its child components. It takes an array of hooks as a parameter, which will be used as the store. Now, we pass useProduct as a parameter to createProvider.

import useProduct from "./useProduct";
import { createProvider } from "houp";

export const Provider = createProvider([useProduct]);

Add the Provider to your app

We add the Provider at the root of our app so that we can use the store anywhere within the app.

import { StrictMode } from "react"
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client"
import App from "./App"
import { Provider } from "./provider";

<App />

Now, use it in your components, and you're all set!

Since it's a React Hook, you can use it in any component, and the component will re-render when the state changes.

import { useStore } from "houp";
import useProduct from "./useProduct";

export function ProductCount() {
const store = useStore(useProduct);

return (
<div>count: {store.count}</div>

export function ProductPrice() {
const store = useStore(useProduct);

return (
<div>price: {store.price}</div>

export function Updater() {
const store = useStore(useProduct);

return (
<button onClick={store.updatePrice}>update price</button>
<button onClick={() => store.setCount(n => n + 1)}>update count</button>

You may have noticed that the ProductCount component re-renders even when you click the update price button. This happens because useStore fetches all the data from the store, causing the component to re-render on every state change. To re-render the component only when specific state values like count or price change, you should use useStore with a selector.

Using useStore with a selector

useStore supports both a selector and an isEqual argument. The selector allows you to choose specific state from the store, so the component will only re-render when the selected state changes. By default, it detects changes using shallow equality. For more control over re-rendering, you can provide a custom equality function via the isEqual parameter.

useStore<S, T>(hook: StoreHook<S>, selector: (state: S) => T): T;
useStore<S, T>(hook: StoreHook<S>, selector: (state: S) => T, isEqual: ((current: T, next: T) => boolean)): T;

Now, let's use selector to optimize the components mentioned above.

import { useStore } from "houp";
import useProduct from "./useProduct";

export function ProductCount() {
const store = useStore(useProduct, s => ({ count: s.count }));

return (
<div>count: {store.count}</div>

export function ProductPrice() {
const store = useStore(useProduct, s => ({ price: s.price }));

return (
<div>price: {store.price}</div>

export function Updater() {
const store = useStore(useProduct);

return (
<button onClick={store.updatePrice}>update price</button>
<button onClick={() => store.setCount(n => n + 1)}>update count</button>